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ecological park with river in urban area

2024 Voter Poll Roundup: Views on Water and Climate Resilience

A resource to help frame how nature-based solutions are worthy of investment. 

Woman wearing a green tank top and black pants riding a bicycle on the road in front of a blooming rain garden.

Message Guide: Nature as Infrastructure

A resource to help frame how nature-based solutions are worthy of investment. 

Photograph of a triangle shaped warning sign with red edges and outline of a troll in the middle.

Digital Detox Guide

New handbook on tackling trolls helps social media managers have productive and meaningful online conversations, despite more bots and less ...

Close up photograph of a cairn (stack of stones) in the shallow banks of a river.

2023 National Voter Poll

The Water Hub’s 2023 national poll of 2,000 registered voters’ opinions on water infrastructure investments, access, affordability, and safety.

Top view shot of laptop computer, digital tablet, potted plant, diary and pen on wooden worktable.

Digital Accessibility Guide

Tips and digital accessibility best practices to help reach more people regardless of life experience or abilities to build narrative ...


Influencer Engagement Guide

How to generate excitement and awareness for water and climate policy issues by partnering with social media influencers and content ...

Photo of people playing in the Platte River in Denver, Colorado.

2022 Western water media scan

What’s up in water news? We look back on the media conversation around Western water supply, safety, and access in ...

aerial photo of the Colorado River at Flaming Gorge snaking through a canyon

June 2022 National Voter Poll

Download our June 2022 national voter poll to learn more about voter sentiments about infrastructure spending, the Clean Water Act, ...

Image of river running through sandy landscape.

Tip sheet: Communicating at the water-climate nexus

Climate change can be polarizing but, luckily, concern for healthy rivers, safe drinking water, and support for regulating water pollution ...

Western reservoir on Colorado River

2021 Colorado River Media Scan

In this analysis, we look at the summer’s Colorado River news coverage and volume, key themes and solutions stories and ...

A man and woman review photos on their camera

Ethical Imagery Guide

Communicators have been paying more attention to telling ethical stories. The same considerations are important for visual storytelling, that’s why ...

media tips for frontline organizations

Media Tips for Frontline Organizations

Coverage of environmental justice is still very low in newsrooms. As we work together to move these narratives forward, there ...


National Poll

In March 2021, the Water Hub partnered with Climate Nexus Polling, Yale, and George Mason University to survey 1,600 voters ...


Opportunity on Water

In our new report, we synthesize public opinion research on water, and offer a series of recommendations for tapping into ...

Western reservoir on Colorado River

Western Media Analysis

The water news cycle ebbs and flows. The Water Hub’s latest media analysis looks at coverage of three key issue ...

water opinion analysis

Water Opinion Analysis

Op-eds have long been a go-to communications tactic for water advocates and experts to shape public opinion, but they’re getting ...

Communications strategy for nonprofit

Audience Profile Worksheet

Identifying and understanding your audiences is the key to unlocking the best messaging for your campaigns. Our Audience Profile Worksheet enables ...

Image of river running through a city toward mountains in background.

National Water Insights

In August 2020, the Water Hub worked with Climate Nexus Polling, Yale, and George Mason University to survey 2,000 voters ...


TV News Tip Sheet

Tips from our workshop on working with TV news, including reasons to focus on TV, the kinds of stories that ...

Effective digital marketing and graphic design using Canva

Yes You Canva!

In water communications, we often don't have time or resources for graphic design. Learn how to make simple, beautiful graphics ...


Water News in COVID Times

"The Virus of Uncertainty: The COVID-19 crisis’ impacts on water news" discusses how the pandemic has impacted water news and ...

The Water Hub Newsletter

Theory of Change

As a program created to serve the water field, we feel it is important to be transparent about the values, ...

Image of the sunrise at Lake Powell in the Utah desert, USA with a river crossing in between rock mountains

Western Water Poll

In November 2019, the Water Hub surveyed more than 3,000 voters in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and ...


Landscape Assessment

What’s the latest in water communications in the Western U.S.? Dig into the media analysis, public opinion research, and findings ...
