Telling more human and hopeful stories about water

Who We Are

We are a team of seasoned communications strategists here to support water advocates and experts, uplift traditionally marginalized voices, and add capacity to groups that have historically been under-resourced.

How We Work

The Water Hub is a pro bono communications organization that uses story-based strategies to advance water justice and resilience. We work to make water communications more accessible and activism more effective, so the people most impacted by water challenges – largely people of color and tribes – have greater power to set the solutions.

Build Relationships

Strengthen Voices

Co-Create Narrative Change

Color of Water:

Expert Directory for People of Color

The Water Hub recently launched a new interactive Color of Water directory to build voice and visibility for people of color in the water movement. The directory makes it easier for journalists, decision makers, and partners to find people with both first-hand experience and policy, research, and technical expertise who are inspiring community-driven solutions all across the country.


One of the ways the Water Hub works to strengthen water communications is by doing public opinion and media research and sharing our learning with the field. Check out a few of our recent projects below.

Join the Water Hub Community

Sign up for our newsletter to tap into our pro bono offerings including trainings, latest polling and research, water news, and partner water progress wins.

Services & Support

Our services include:

The Water Hub works with groups in these areas: