Sussan Garcia

Relationships Associate

Sussan is passionate about advancing justice movements with storytelling, accessible communications, and community building.

Throughout her undergraduate and master degree programs, she was a student of Arab crossroads studies, Palestinian studies, Central American studies, and migration studies with a focus on the systematic construction and impacts of colonialism, neoliberalism, imperialism, and extractivism.

Inspired by her studies and travels, for the past five years, she has been an active creator, researcher, and communications strategist supporting justice movements throughout Abya Yala, guided by principles of Indigenous sovereignty and Black liberation.

In her free time, she dedicates time to research and content production for community projects, connect with loved ones and community, and meditates in movement, whether it be walking, running, or strength training. A dedicated yogi, she has been practicing for a decade and is a trained community facilitator. She’s fascinated by the natural sciences and enjoys reflecting on the cosmos we are a part of.

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