Category: Resources

Archive of Water Hub blogs sharing new communications resources and training recaps.

Navigating the media as a BIPOC-focused organization

Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) community organizers, movement leaders, grassroots staff–– have you ever felt like you weren't being heard in interviews, or wondered how to approach a reporter who misrepresented your issues? Whether the media has ever made you feel tone policed, erased, or that your community’s experience wasn’t being authentically reflected, you are not alone.  Coverage of [...]
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How to craft soundbites that stick

More people than ever before are turning to social media and TV for news, scrolling and channel surfing to get the gist of the day’s top stories. In this short attention span world, we have to draw people in with bite-sized content that packs a punch.  That’s where soundbites come in: they’re short and striking, designed to catch people’s attention and connect to [...]
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How to look good on video

The pandemic has changed the way many nonprofits are doing communications and outreach. Meeting on Zoom and video has become more the norm as we increasingly rely on social media to get our message out. But comms folks aren't the only ones on camera. People on the frontlines, including community members and program staff, are increasingly being asked to share their experiences [...]
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Yes You Canva!

I have some exciting news: the Water Hub did its first-ever workshop and it was a Canva workshop! We talked all about making memes and how to use Canva to create your designs. For a lot of us who work in water communications, digital marketing is not our only job. Often we are doing media relations, event planning, and possibly even donor [...]
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The Water Hub