Tag: water communications

October Water Cooler newsletter: Here’s how our retreat at Mt. Hood renewed us

Exploring cycles of renewal in nature, life, and our work in our October Water Cooler newsletter.

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Two children sitting on a concrete wall in the middle of a green stormwater installation in Seattle, surrounded by shrubs and grasses.

Edible shade tunnels and room for rivers: Messaging nature-based solutions

People love nature-based solutions–but they aren’t always familiar with terms like bioswales or beaver dam analogs, so we need to ...

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Sarah and Zakiyaa pose at the 2024 PolicyLink Equity Summit in front of a sign with text "A Revolution of the Soul" and a depiction of the U.S. flag made up with red, white, and blue flowers.

August Water Cooler newsletter: Do we have the courage to love?

The Water Hub returned from Equity Summit 2024 with love on the brain in our August Water Cooler newsletter.

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Stock image of a woman typing on a computer with both hands.

Digital Detox: Equip your team for healthy online engagement

Recap of the Water Hub training on practical strategies to foster positive engagement and combat online negativity.

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A photo of José next to a tree

June Water Cooler newsletter: Honoring fearless art

Healthy water justice tips, our new training, and influencers talking about water from our June 2024 Water Cooler newsletter

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an illustration of a man in a park planting a tree

Just Infrastructure animated video envisions joyful, healthy communities

We are excited to share our new animated video featuring the voices of water warriors working on federal funding implementation ...

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"Vote here" sign taped to a pillar with text in Spanish, English, and Chinese.

2024 elections: What’s water got to do with it

We look at the water narratives that could shape the 2024 elections and what's at stake for the future of ...

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a photo of the Smith River from Jessica's travels to Northern California

River reflections, resources, and Reels

Nature-based solutions message guide, flood justice briefing recap, and partner love from our April Water Cooler newsletter.

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Water infrastructure art: hand under flowing faucet, green streets, river restoration, urban gardening.

Celebrating water progress: new Just Infrastructure campaign

The Water Hub’s Just Infrastructure campaign celebrates the impact federal water funding is having in communities and ecosystems across the ...

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Woman wearing a green tank top and black pants riding a bicycle on the road in front of a blooming rain garden.

What is resilience really? 2024 water narrative predictions

Dive into a new year of narrative predictions with the Water Hub where we look at the stories behind climate ...

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Members of WECR at the 2023 One Water Summit in Tucson, AZ.

Waves of Impact: A Recap of WECR at One Water Summit 2023

Highlights from the 2023 One Water Summit, where the Water Equity & Climate Resilience Caucus emphasized water justice and narrative ...

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Stock image of a man pointing at himself with both hands.

Frame, Tone, Messenger: How we can adapt communications to reach different audiences

Recap of our training on how we can modify the frame, tone, and messenger of our communications to reach different ...

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Top view shot of laptop computer, digital tablet, potted plant, diary and pen on wooden worktable.

The future is accessible: Inclusive communications and digital best practices

Takeaways from the Water Hub’s Digital Accessibility Guide and River Network’s new Inclusive Communications Guide including accessible website and graphic ...

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Pictured are members of the Water Equity & Climate Resilience Caucus at their water affordability panel at Capitol Hill.

Rippling effects: Water affordability advocates bring their stories to Capitol Hill

A recap on the Water Equity & Climate Resilience (WECR) Caucus' panel on water affordability and the need for a ...

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From ivory tower to real world: Collaborating with influencers to drive policy awareness

How to generate excitement and awareness for water and climate policy issues by partnering with social media influencers and content ...

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Photograph of river restoration project along the Colorado River depicting green, brown and yellow scenery along water with mountains in the distance.

Issue Brief: Are Inflation Reduction Act drought dollars funding resilience?

In this issue briefing, we look back at one year of the Inflation Reduction Act and how local leaders hope ...

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Water Hub flood justice briefing- a zoom screenshot with Nicole Lampe, Harriet Festing, Melissa Roberts, David Southgate, and Katherine Egland

Flood justice for frontline communities

With billions in federal dollars available to help communities prepare for rising seas and stronger storms, we asked national and ...

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An image with a photo of a person using a cell phone to record a speaker taking the stance.

How to use the power of images to enhance your organization’s storytelling

Learn photo and video tips including general principles and technical guidelines to help strengthen your visual storytelling skills.

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Memes and GIFs and graphics, oh my! 5 creative ways to tell your story.

How to reach different audiences using content like GIFs and memes and get creative with culture.

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Digital illustration of floodplain restoration. Background is a river flowing out of green mountains. In the foreground, two people are planting trees along the river above a depiction of an underground reservoir.

Groundwater: The unsung hero

It's Groundwater Awareness Week! In this blog, we dive into the invisible water source beneath our feet.

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